Start Your Free Trial Today – Get Started with IMPACT Production
We appreciate your interest in exploring IMPACT, our Precast Software for Design, Production & Project Management. We’re thrilled to offer trial licenses, allowing you to experience firsthand how IMPACT can optimize your production planning and boost efficiency.
You are now on the page for IMPACT Production.
Here, you’ll find everything you need to get started
Step 1: Apply for a Trial License – and select IMPACT Production
Getting started with your IMPACT trial is easy! The first thing to do is apply for a Trial—select IMPACT Production and try it out yourself!
When you apply for a trial, you’ll receive three key pieces of information via email after you have filled out the form:
- Your Unique License/Activation Code
- A Link to Connect to Our Tryouts & Training Database
- An email from StruSoft Portal with info on your login credentials for IMPACT
These are essentials for activating your trial, so be sure to keep them handy when you receive them.
Step 2: Watch the Installation Video Guide
To ensure a smooth setup, we’ve created a step-by-step video guide that walks you through the installation process and explains how to activate your trial efficiently. This comprehensive tutorial is designed to help you get up and running with ease.
Get Started with IMPACT – Watch the Video Guide
Watch the IMPACT Installation Video guide below to access the guide and start your journey with IMPACT Production
Step 3: Explore the IMPACT Production – Tutorial
Once your trial is set up, we encourage you to dive into the IMPACT Production Tutorial. To help you navigate the tutorial, we’ve created an engaging and comprehensive video guide to help you get started with IMPACT Production. This guide walks you through every step of the IMPACT Production Tutorial.
Learn with Nik – Watch the IMPACT Production Tutorial Video
Join Nik as he completes the tutorial himself, offering clear, step-by-step instructions. Whether you’re new to IMPACT Production or simply looking to refresh your foundational skills, this video is designed to provide you with clear, detailed instructions to help you make the most of your trial experience.
Watch the video below to start learning IMPACT for Production
Need More Help?
If you have any questions during your trial, we’re here to help:
- Support Team: Reach out to our friendly support team for assistance.
- Knowledge Base/Help Center: Explore our extensive resources for self-guided support.
Prefer a personalized introduction? Book a meeting with us for a customized demo presentation tailored to your needs. We’ll guide you through the features and functionalities of IMPACT to ensure you’re set up for a successful trial period.
Ready to Continue?
We’re confident that IMPACT will transform the way you manage production. If you decide to continue after your trial, our team will guide you through the upgrade process to ensure a seamless transition.
Thank you for choosing IMPACT. We’re thrilled to have you on board!
Why wait? Click to apply for a Free Trial of IMPACT and get started today!
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- “Very useful software”
A LOT of IMPACT Precast Elements in Revit
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