Integrations with IMPACT
Integrations with IMPACT are made possible through the IMPACT SQL database and open API. It is possible to import/export data and integrate from a wide range of other precast software, including AutoCAD, BricsCAD, Revit, Tekla®, XML, Excel and many precast industry standard data file formats.
Connect with ERP systems and automated precast production machinery such as JSON, BVBS, pXML and Unitechnik.
Using common shared data, with the creation of company standards, drives automation, consistency and continuous improvement through your design, production and project workflows.
Integrations with IMPACT allow you to streamline all production and project processes into one controlled real-time dataset and create a single south of truth for your precast business. Advancements with Mobile and Cloud computing mean that you are now able to access production and project data from anywhere.

Why wait? Click to apply for a Free Trial of IMPACT and get started today!
For full technical details on all the potential integrations with IMPACT please visit the IMPACT Wiki by clicking here.
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