Hollowcore Slab Design with PRE-Stress
With the latest additions in PRE-Stress 6.7, the software is now better than ever and has become the perfect tool for prestressed hollow core (HC) slab design and analysis.
Watch a Quick Overview Video about Hollowcore Slab Design
Hollowcore Slab Design Features
You can choose from a predefined list of hollow core slab cross-sections or create your own. If you have a CAD drawing of your section, you can use the import function and the program will find the hollow-core profile and automatically generate the section for you. You will need to configure the prestressing wires/strands though using the Strand Pattern Manager.
Add topping to your prefab element and make a complete calculation taking into account the cast-in-place concrete layer. You can add reinforcement to the topping layer and have it to work together with the prestressed hollowcore. You can also perform a fire calculation.
It is very easy to add prestress tendons/wires/strands and standard reinforcement to your element. Applying the bars can be done manually or through the pattern manager and you can customise and save any layout for future projects.
You can also design for hole recesses and core fillings in your hollow core slabs by specifying the exact location and dimensions.
Take into account long-term effects by introducing creep and shrinkage factors. You have access to our online Flexible Support tool which calculates these factors according to your type of concrete.
The self-weight is automatically applied for the element and any topping if present. Depending on the type selected for the load the program will automatically add the correct factors according to the National Annex and generate the load combinations.
Calculate the hollowcore slab according to Eurocode and get a fast and accurate presentation for the whole lifespan of the element. The code check makes all the verifications according to Eurocode including checks for spalling. You can check the specific verifications for each stage. Get a full documentation for your hollowcore element calculation in seconds with all verifications, including fire calculation.
Press on the Get a Free Trial button to apply for a trial or contact your local Sales Representative for more information.
Hollowcore Slab Design in IMPACT
PRE-Stress Users working with the IMPACT Design software can also import data and benefit from a full integration of hollowcore calculations whilst detailing hollow core slab floor layouts in both AutoCAD and BricsCAD and now in full 3D with the IMPACT Project Manager.
Why wait? Click to get an automated, 2 x week free trial of PRE-Stress, and get started today!
PRE-Stress Wiki
For full technical information, User Guides on designing hollowcore slabs please visit the PRE-Stress Wiki by clicking here.
Calculations performed according to:
British National Annex
Danish National Annex
Finnish National Annex
Norwegian National Annex
Swedish National Annex
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