How to Get WIN-Statik?
We have made the downloading and installation of WIN-Statik as easy and as fast as possible for you, no matter if you are an existing Customer, a Student, or if you are trying out the software for the first time. Please follow the instructions below to explain how you can get WIN-Statik.
All StruSoft software programs can be downloaded through the StruSoft Installer. This program takes care of all you installation files (including previous version of the program), updates and licenses.
Free Trial Version
Click on the Get Started Now button and apply for a free trial version.
You will be provided with help regarding installation, licensing and support using the program.
Free Student Version
Click on the Get Started Now button and apply for a free Student version.
Make sure you use the Student option and not the Trial option!!!
You will need to upload a copy of your Student ID.
You will get an automated email and be provided with help regarding installation, licensing and support using the program.
Existing Customer
If you are a Customer with an existing license that is already setup in the StruSoft Installer, you can also find the latest version of the program from the WIN-Statik Release Notes by clicking here.
Except for the Student version, all options will require you to follow these 3 x steps:
Step 1: Download the StruSoft Installer
Step 2: Watch the Installation and License Activation Guide
Step 3: Read the Guide to the StruSoft License System
Get Started with WIN-Statik
If you are a new User to WIN-Statik, we have provided you with some training videos to help you get started: –
Please click on this link to the WIN-Statik videos on YouTube to learn the basics.
WIN-Statik Wiki
Full technical details and the theory behind the software can be found on the WIN-Statik Wiki by clicking here.
Why wait? Apply below to download a trial license of WIN-Statik and get started on your journey today!
WIN-Statik Blog
Masonry Walls as Stabilisation – A Quick Design Guide
In Sweden, the Masonry Wall is mostly used as a shell wall, i.e. as climate protection. In our neighbouring countries, on the other hand, [...]
98% of Users satisfied with StruSoft Support
Support for FEM-Design and WIN-Statik, gets a very high rating from our Users. We continuously measure if our customers are satisfied with the support [...]
Impressive high rise building design supported by FEM-Design
Investments in excess of 100 BSEK are planned for the various high-rises in the city. Just around the corner from StruSoft’s Gothenburg offices, one [...]