Foundation Calculations
Foundation Calculations in WIN-Statik
Below is all the information you need for Foundation Calculations!

The program can handle slabs with a column or a wall on top.

The adequate geometry and loads are defined. Up to ten different ULS or SLS load cases can be defined. In this case a load case with a vertical force and moments around both axes.

The soil and other data involved in the calculation of the ground pressure capacity are defined, in this case a normally consolidated clay.
Ultimate Limit State

The ground pressure acting on the effective part of the slab is calculated for each load case.

Ultimate Limit State results in terms of ground pressure check, shear check and required bending reinforcement are shown numerically.

Required bending reinforcement shown graphically.

The punching check is performed at four different control perimeters as well as at the column perimeter. In this case the reinforcement at the column area has to be increased as also seen above at the graphical display.

Available anchorage lengths are satisfactory and no end hooks has to be used.
Serviceability Limit State

For load cases in the Serviceability Limit State crack widths are calculated.

If the crack width is too large a crack width design can be performed. Three different crack criteria’s are available. In this case the allowed crack width is 0.2 mm.

The reinforcement is increased to produce a crack width of maximum 0.2 mm.

To calculate settlements the soil is divided in a number of layers.

And the relevant data is defined for the clay.

In this case the settlement is sufficient for the SLS load case but not for the ULS load case.
Finally when the results are satisfactory the output can be sent to a printer.
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Calculations can be performed according to:
Euro Code
Danish national annex
Finnish national annex
Norwegian national annex
Swedish national annex
British national annex
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