WIN-Statik Video Tutorials
Watch instructional videos that will teach you step by step on how to useWIN-Statik, our structural engineering software for common design tasks. Are you ready for a rich learning experience that will help you work optimally with WIN-Statik in your structural engineering projects?
WIN-Statik Masonry Design (English)
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 1a - Solid Wall - Buckling
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 1b - Solid Wall - Buckling
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 1c - Solid Wall - Buckling
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 2 - Solid Wall - Plate action
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 3a - Cavity Wall
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 3b - Cavity Wall
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 4 - Shear Wall
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 5 - Solid Wall - Openings
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 6 - Beam
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 7 - Column
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 8 - Arch
WIN-Statik – Masonry Design (Svenska)
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 1a - Massiv vägg - Knäckning
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 1b - Massiv vägg - Knäckning
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 1c - Massiv vägg - Knäckning
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 2 - Vägg - Plattverkan
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 3a - Vägg - Kanalmur
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 3b - Vägg - Kanalmur
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 4 - Vägg - Skjuvvägg
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 5 - Massiv vägg - Öppningar
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 6 - Balk
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 7 - Pelare
WIN-Statik | Masonry Design - 8 - Valv
WIN-Statik – Concrete Column (English)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 1 - Section
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 2 - Geometry
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 3 - Design
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 4 - Control
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 5 - Serviceability Limit State
WIN-Statik – Concrete Column (Svenska)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 1 - Tvärsnitt
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 2 - Geometri
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 3 - Dimensionering
WIN-Statik | Concrete Column - 4 - Kontroll
WIN-Statik – Punching (English)
WIN-Statik | Punching - 1 - Material
WIN-Statik | Punching - 2 - Loads
WIN-Statik | Punching - 3 - Design
WIN-Statik – Punching (Svenska)
WIN-Statik | Punching - 1 - Material
WIN-Statik | Punching - 2 - Laster
WIN-Statik | Punching - 3 - Dimensionering & Utskrift
WIN-Statik – Foundation (English)
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 1 - Geometry
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 2 - Ground properties
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 3 - Loads
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 4 - Design (1/2)
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 5 - Design (2/2)
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 6 - Settlement Printout
WIN-Statik – Foundation (Svenska)
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 1 - Geometri
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 2 - Grundläggning
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 3 - Laster
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 4 - Dimensionering (1/2)
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 5 - Dimensionering (2/2)
WIN-Statik | Foundation - 6 - Sättning Utskrift
WIN-Statik – Concrete Beam (English)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 1 - Geometry
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 2 - Reinforcement details
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 3 - Loads
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 4 - Analysis
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 5 - Design
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 6 - Serviceability Limit State (1/2)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 7 - Serviceability Limit State (2/2)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 8 - Printout
WIN-Statik – Concrete Beam (Svenska)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 1 - Geometri
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 2 - Armeringsdetaljer
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 3 - Laster
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 4 - Analys
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 5 - Dimensionering
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 6 - Bruksgränstillstånd (1/2)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 7 - Bruksgränstillstånd (2/2)
WIN-Statik | Concrete Beam - 8 - Utskrift
WIN-Statik – Frame Analysis (English)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 18 - Concrete design 2ord (2/2)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 17 - Concrete design 2ord (1/2)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 16 - Concrete design 1ord (4/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 15 - Concrete design 1ord (3/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 14 - Concrete design 1ord (2/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 13 - Concrete design 1ord (1/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 12 - Printout
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 11 - Steel design 2ord
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 10 - Steel design 1ord (4/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 9 - Steel design 1ord (3/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 8 - Steel design 1ord (2/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 7 - Steel design 1ord (1/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 6 - Analysis results
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 5 - Loads 2
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 4 - Loads 1
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 3 - Sections
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 2 - Support conditions
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 1 - Geometry
WIN-Statik – Frame Analysis (Svenska)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 1 - Geometri
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 2 - Stödförhållanden
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 3 - Tvärsnitt
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 4 - Laster 1
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 5 - Laster 2
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 6 - Analysresultat
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 7 - Ståldim enligt 1 ord. teori (1/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 8 - Ståldim enligt 1 ord. teori (2/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 9 - Ståldim enligt 1 ord. teori (3/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 10 - Ståldim enligt 1 ord. teori (4/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 11 - Ståldim enligt 2ord. teori
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 12 - Utskrift
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 13 - Betongdim enligt 1ord. teori (1/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 14 - Betongdim enligt 1ord. teori (2/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 15 - Betongdim enligt 1ord. teori (3/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 16 - Betongdim enligt 1ord. teori (4/4)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 17 - Betongdim enligt 2ord. teori (1/2)
WIN-Statik | Frame Analysis - 18 - Betongdim enligt 2ord. teori (2/2)