Labels en rapporten
Elke prefab betonfabriek heeft verschillende procedures voor het rapporteren en labelen van hun prefab-elementen. Met de IMPACT software Report Tool kunt u labels en rapporten maken en aanpassen voor elk gewenst productie-, transport-, project- en ontwerpaspect. U kunt alle element-labels maken volgens uw eigen specificaties.
Rapporten en etiketten worden via de IMPACT Report Tool gegenereerd in Excel-spreadsheetsjablonen. U kunt de gegevens rechtstreeks exporteren vanuit de IMPACT Cast Planner, Project Manager of Resource Manager. Deze sjablonen kunnen vervolgens naar elk type printer worden gestuurd voor een fysieke afdruktaak.
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For full technical details on the IMPACT Report Tool and learn about all the potential options for generating custom reports and labels for your Precast Business please visit the IMPACT Wiki by clicking here.
Structural design prowess with FEM-Design for Slagsta Strand Kv – 7
In Stockholm, Sweden, there is an ongoing project called Slagsta Strand Kv – 7, which consists of three apartment buildings. Kritter, one of our customers […]
Maximising Efficiency in Precast: Thomas Praefab Case Study
In the competitive realm of precast concrete manufacturing, maximising efficiency in precast processes is paramount. For Thomas Praefab, an international precast company […]
FEM-Design’s critical role in the steel structure analysis of a bypass dust silo
In Buxton, England, inside a cement plant, there is a silo for storing bypass dust that is supported by a steel structure and was designed […]